Monday, January 5, 2009

Gaining control

It has finally become clear to me that I am in control of what I eat and what I do. Took me 24 years and 360 days to realize this but takes me a while to catch on. My 25th birthday is on Saturday [Jan 10th] and I want to make my 25th year my healthiest! I think I can do Noooooo I know I can do it. I have little to no will power and I'm just struggling to find some. For the past while I was looking in the middle of chocolate bars and ice cream scoops but that has proven to be a mistake. I know it's there somewhere....maybe in a dusty old box downstairs. Where would you be if you were will power?

Bonham and I have been doing well in terms of eating a proper meal every night. It's important for little miss Ariel aswell. She needs proper nutrition just as much, if not more, than we do. No more take-out and no more junk food. Just that move alone has done wonders for our waist line. I know it's only been a few days short of a week but atleast we don't feel bloated anymore. Even the word bloated makes me cringe....

Thursday, January 1, 2009


The first day of 2009 has come and gone [it is now 12:37am so technically the day is done] and I feel pretty good. My body itself is recouperating from last nights shenanigans but mentally I'm doing well. Bonham and I went over to our good friend's new place and we had a really fun filled New Years which included a few too many 'candy in a glass' on my part but we did have a wonderful night!

Bonham and I are reading a waist management book together and we both finished the intro and are onto chapter one. It's a great book that is going to teach us about our bodies and the different chemical reactions different foods have within our bodies. I refuse to do any more fad diets so hopefully this is what we're looking for!

I can say we ate healthy foods today. Whole grain rice was included in our supper for once. Oh yes and we had breakfast this morning and didn't over do it! [Normally holiday breakfasts end up with me gaining a dress size]

I am off to bed now as I promised myself no more staying up til 2am and wondering why I'm tired the next day. It's already quarter to 1 so I guess I'll just have to slowly get myself used to going to bed earlier.

Until tomorrow,


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve....Good Bye 2008.

This blog is meant to be a theraputic tool for me as I try and get my health back in order. I'm not a terribly "unhealthy" person but I have let myself go past a point where I swore I'd never let myself go. I was diagnosed this year with bipolar disorder and during my search for the right treatment I let myself slide physically and mentally. I have gained almost 20 pounds in the past few years and I have yo-yo'd horribly every time I tried to get back on track with my weight. I noticed my metabolism slowed down after my daughter was born, but I know my weight issues are my own doings. I'm an emotional eater who eats when I'm happy or sad. Or just bored...

I was going to wait to start this blog on the first day of 2009 and leave 2008 behind but a lot of crap has happened this year which has made my boyfriend and I realize it's time for a positive change. I believe this life style change will make our relationship stronger than it already is and because of that I want to give 2008 a proper goodbye. I need the closure, so here it goes...

Dear: Year 2008;

I started you off with a mental breakdown in my car on my way to work. Thought I'd try and fix myself by going back to school early spring and changing my life's path. My boyfriend, Bomham, did something similar when he accepted a job as a car salesman. We thought things where looking up for us. I slowly kept gaining weight, as did Bonham. I had continuous mental health issues throughout the summer which ultimately led to my diagnosis with Bipolar Disorder. My entire family told me it makes total sense and I've been this way since I was little but no one could put their finger on why I was that way. Atleast now we know. I took some time off school and havn't yet gone back. 2009 will help me change that. Our roommate decided to move out and leave us with more bills [without as much as a warning] and then the car industry went down the tubes and Bonham's looking for work. We also found out just recently that Bonham's Grandfather is dying of cancer that is so advanced they can't find exactly where it stemmed from.

So thank you, 2008, for hiting us with a lot of hard truths and for teaching us about ourselves more than most years. I feel I have learned a lot about myself but there is so much I need to change. I can't say I'll miss you, 2008. Can't say I will at all. I'm celebrating tonight with a big smile on my face and I will gladly ring in 2009!



P.S. You did give us an amazing Christmas so thank you, 2008, for that!