Thursday, January 1, 2009


The first day of 2009 has come and gone [it is now 12:37am so technically the day is done] and I feel pretty good. My body itself is recouperating from last nights shenanigans but mentally I'm doing well. Bonham and I went over to our good friend's new place and we had a really fun filled New Years which included a few too many 'candy in a glass' on my part but we did have a wonderful night!

Bonham and I are reading a waist management book together and we both finished the intro and are onto chapter one. It's a great book that is going to teach us about our bodies and the different chemical reactions different foods have within our bodies. I refuse to do any more fad diets so hopefully this is what we're looking for!

I can say we ate healthy foods today. Whole grain rice was included in our supper for once. Oh yes and we had breakfast this morning and didn't over do it! [Normally holiday breakfasts end up with me gaining a dress size]

I am off to bed now as I promised myself no more staying up til 2am and wondering why I'm tired the next day. It's already quarter to 1 so I guess I'll just have to slowly get myself used to going to bed earlier.

Until tomorrow,



  1. Yay for you guys! I WILL be heading back to the gym next week. I am determined to wear shorts this year instead of capris! As for bedtimes.....hubby and I are sound asleep before 10pm. I dont know how you young folks can stay up so late!!!!!!

  2. I wish I could get myself to bed by 10!!! LoL. Too many people at my house sometimes.
